Monday, September 28, 2009

Cob Studio Shots, Late August/September VIII

Bria Bonet, who was up for all of September, helped us out in so many ways, including finishing up the plastering.
Below: Cob bench w/cubbies; Above: Cob bench w/cubbies, after being plastered.

Above: a praying mantis Bria found as she was plastering. I moved it down to the flower garden, where it will hopefully eat a lot of cucumber beetles.
Above: cob bench and walls, finished.

Cob Studio Shots, Late August VII

Above: Working on the finish interior plaster. Below: Bria, our September intern, putting cob in the cracks on under the roof.

Above and below: Maru and Ryan putting finish plaster on one of the cob benches.

Cob Studio Shots, Late August VI

Cob Studio Shots, Late August V

Above: Tammy, photographing her handiwork: Below: Tammy and Chazz.

Above: Looking out the french doors.

Above: fireplace, cob bench, shelves.

Cob Studio Shots, Late August IV

Above: Ryan and Eden applying the finish plaster to the interior walls.

Cob Studio Shots, Late August III

Above: Josh and Tammy, who stayed on after the cob apprenticeship to finish the studio, taking a little break inside. Below: Cob fireplace

Above: miniature scale model of a cob oven that Tammy's partner Chazz made, complete with satanic horns. Tammy and Chazz have moved on to several places since us, building full-scale cob ovens. Below: test samples of finish interior plasters.

Cob Studio Shots, Late August II

Above: Josh, looking in on the plastering progress. Below: Interior earthen plaster shots.

Cob Studio Shots, Late August

Above: Finish plaster on the interior walls, drying. Below: Drying finish plaster and a look at the cob bench with cubbies.

Above and below; rough plaster on the exterior walls.

Cows on the move

Daniel, our friend and neighbor, drove his cows from one part of our land over the dam to another one of our pastures....